Introduction to Graph Theory

Graph Theory studies how things are connected, through a network of points and lines.

A graph looks like this:

An Example Graph

Yes, it is called a "graph". but it is NOT this kind of graph:

They are both called "graphs". But they are different things. Just how it is.

This subject explores how these points and lines relate to each other, and how to best travel around them.

You can think of it as places and roads, or as stations and trains . or as a map of friendships where each person is a node and each friendship is an edge.

There are many ways to think about graphs!

Graphs have applications in many areas such as computer science, biology, social sciences, transport and more.

Let's learn some special words:

A Simple Path is like finding a way to visit every friend's house exactly once.

An Euler Path is like a mail carrier's route that goes down every street once.

Some Examples:

Try the The Seven Bridges of Königsberg activity.

Real-World Uses

In the real world, we can find many situations that can be represented using graph theory:

Graph theory can help in planning the most efficient public transportation routes or managing network traffic on the internet.


There are many types of graphs such as directed and undirected graphs, weighted graphs, and algorithms that can solve fascinating problems like finding the shortest path between two points.