How to Grade Assessment in Canvas Using SpeedGrader

Canvas calls its tool that is used to grade assessments (such as assignments or quizzes) “SpeedGrader”. At its most basic, this is simply the page you go to to see assignment submissions and to assign grades. There are additional features available. There are two main ways to access SpeedGrader:

Accessing SpeedGrader via Assignments

This is generally the more intuitive way to access SpeedGrader to grade an assignment.

  1. Go to the Assignments page in your course.
  2. Click on the assignment you would like to grade.
  3. Click on SpeedGrader from Related Items in the top right corner of your screen (see image below).

This will take you to SpeedGrader, open the first student in your roster for chosen assignment.

Annotated screenshot illustrating where to find SpeedGrader

Accessing SpeedGrader from Grades

Accessing SpeedGrader this way is best if you need to target specific submissions by specific students. Note: The Grades page is covered in more detail later in this document.

  1. Go to the Grades page.
  2. Navigate to the row and column of the assignment submission you would like to grade.
  3. Click in that “cell”.
  4. Click on the “arrow door” that appears to open the detail tray on the right.
  5. Click on SpeedGrader in the detail tray. It is often the third item in the the panel.

This will take you to SpeedGrader, open to the specific submission (assignment and student) you selected.

Grading Assignments with SpeedGrader

The general process for grading once you are in SpeedGrader for the assignment to grade is as follows:

  1. Navigate to the student you wish to grade (D in image below).
  2. View the student’s submission (E) or download for offline grading (I).
  3. [Optionally] Mark up the assignment (F) and/or leave comments (H).
  4. Enter grade in (G).
  5. Continue to next student.

Refer to this image to see the details of SpeedGrader and additional features not included above.

Annotated screenshot labeling parts of the screen in SpeedGrader

View the full documentation for grading assignments with SpeedGrader.

Using Rubrics in SpeedGrader

If you have a rubric attached to this assignment, open it by clicking the Rubric button under the grade box (G in the image above).

Annotated screenshot illustrating the parts of grading with a rubric in SpeedGrader.

View the full documentation for grading with SpeedGrader using rubrics.

Grading Quizzes with SpeedGrader

There are a few differences in SpeedGrader if you are grading a quiz rather than an assignment. Please first familiarize yourself with SpeedGrader for assignments above, and then refer to this image for some quiz-specific differences.

Annotated screenshot of SpeedGrader open to a quiz submission, labeling the parts of the screen discussed.

View the full documentation for grading quizzes with SpeedGrader. Note that New Quizzes is a bit different; that documentation is also available.

Downloading Submissions for Offline Grading

If you prefer to grade offline or using other mark-up tools, you can bulk download submissions for some types of assignments, primarily those with submission type: online. To bulk download submissions:

  1. Go to the Assignments page in your course.
  2. Click on the assignment you would like to download.
  3. Click on Download Submissions from Related Items in the top right corner of your screen (see image above).

After a few moments of processing (longer depending on the size and quantity of student submissions), your browser will download a .zip file with all the student submissions.

Note: Do not rename the files from the .zip file if you plan to re-upload marked-up student submissions to return to students.

Re-Upload Submissions

If you have externally marked-up downloaded student submissions, and you have preserved their original file names, you can re-upload them to Canvas.

  1. Create a .zip file of the marked-up submissions. (Wikihow directions; an external website).
  2. Find the Related Items for the assignment, as for downloading (above).
  3. Click Re-Upload Submissions.
  4. Click Browse… to select the .zip file you created.
  5. Click Upload Files and wait for the upload to complete.
  6. Once you have uploaded the .zip file, Canvas will take time to process it. You can continue to work elsewhere while it does this.
  7. After time time, return to the Related Items area.
  8. Click View Uploads Status.

This page will tell you which files it was able to match to the recipient, and which files it ignored. Most should match if you did not rename the downloaded submissions.

Note: If you need to return only a couple submissions this way, you can use SpeedGrader and use Assignment Comments to attach it, discussed above.

Downloading Archives of Submissions

SpeedGrader has three download buttons: download annotated copy at the top left, download original submission in the top right, and download comment log in the bottom right. This is illustrated in the screenshot below. Canvas unfortunately does not allow you to download the annotated copy and comments at the same time in one file, nor does it allow you to bulk download either from all students at once. If having an after-marking-up offline record is especially important to you, consider using the bulk download-bulk upload (above) and doing your markup in Word.

Canvas Quizzes does not have an option to download the per-question comment boxes. You can print the page to PDF. It does have the ability to download the comment log in the bottom right.

Screenshot highlighting the three download buttons inside Canvas SpeedGrader discussed in the paragraph above.

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